Sunday Skillz
M14Hoops | Training | Fall Training |
Welcome to Sunday Skillz! This program will allow any player to stay sharp while committed to other activities during the Fall months. This is an 10 week program.
Sunday skillz OVERVIEW
- Starts August 17th!
- Boys & Girls 4th-12th
- Groups are divided based on grade level, skill and gender
- 10:1 player to Coach Ratio
- We DO NOT have a session Aug. 31st
- Player do NOT need to be evaluated for this program
- Each session is 90 minutes
- Each Sunday, sessions are divided into two 45 minute segments: 45-min of ball handling and 45-min of shooting.
- Ball Handling skill work will include: attack moves, finishing moves, footwork, advance drills, fundamental technique drills, playing through contact and more!
- Shooting skill work will include: form shooting, footwork, using screens, creating space, catch & shoot and more!
- Players need to bring their own basketball
- After you have completed registration, there will be no communication from our staff until the Wednesday before the program starts!

Sunday Skillz OVERVIEW
4th-7th Boys & Girls
TIME: 2:30p-4p
FEE: $300
August: 17th, 24th
September: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
October: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
8th - 12th Boys & Girls