Winter Camps & Clinics

MLK Skillz Clinic
3rd-8th Grade Boys & Girls
What better way to spend a day off from school than in the gym! Join us for this morning skills clinic. A great way to continue to stay sharp during the winter season.
3rd-8th Grade Boys & Girls
During our MLK Strength & Speed Clinic, attendees will learn proper running/jumping mechanics, proper movement mechanics, and functional strength.

Ball Handling & Shooting Clinic
3rd-8th Grade Boys & Girls
The winter season is almost over! Don’t miss out on our Ball handling & Shooting clinic. This morning clinic is a great way to stay sharp on this day off from school!
3rd-8th Grade Boys & Girls
During our Presidents' Day Strength & Speed Clinic, attendees will learn proper running/jumping mechanics, proper movement mechanics, and functional strength.

Winter Break Camps
3rd-8th Grade Boys & Girls
Our basketball Winter Break Camps are for players who want to keep their skills sharp during winter break. It is a great way for players to focus on their individual skills during the team season. We offer two camps and they are full of high level teaching, repetition and FUN! Check out this years camps and sign up TODAY!

Winter Break Performance Camp
3rd-8th Grade Boys & Girls
This Winter Break Performance camp is designed to develop the complete athlete. The goal is after the 3 days, each athlete will have learned some ways to improve their athletic ability on their own